Dallan and Ryan being sleeping kitties on the stairs
The other day Dallan was here and I was doing a little cleaning (very little). The baby swing was sitting in front of the couch so I picked it up and moved it. A few minutes later Dallan called, "Grandma!" I was downstairs and hollered upstairs, "what, sweetie?" He said, "come here". I stopped what I was doing and started upstairs. He hollered again and said, "Grandma, come here, hurry." When I got upstairs he was hunched down on his knees looking closely at the carpet in front of the couch. He said, "look". I looked and said, "what is it?" He very seriously announced, "paw prints." I could hardly hold back a laugh. I said, "Really, what kind of paw prints do you think they are?" He looked up at me and said, "coyote."
Dallan has a great imagination. He plays with all kinds of imaginary friends. The coyotes are one of his favorite friends to play with. Sometimes he stops, sniffs the air and says, "I smell something." "What do you smell?" I ask. He sniffs again, listens and says, "the bears are coming!" Yes, I would think if the bears are coming you would smell them long before they get here!!
That is so cute and funny. I love when they get their wild imaginations. Jordan has a fun imagination right now too, I think this is a fun age for that.
It is so fun when they use their imaginations. They sure can come up with the wildest ideas.
I'm glad to see that the cute stories are being recorded. I love those boys.
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