Monday, June 18, 2007

I've Been Tagged

So what is a meme?

Jenn tagged me to tell 7 unique things about myself. I actually found it quite difficult. I've been think all day and had a very hard time coming up with some. Here goes....

1. My nose honks. I don't know when we started this, but when my kids pinch my nose I honk it. Thankfully they haven't done it for a very long time. They've tried teaching the little boys how to do it but they haven't quite caught on yet.

2. I love to make baby quilts. Unfortunately, I seem to just collect quilt books and have very little time to actually quilt.

3. When I was 18 my best friend and I drove a big black hearse with a very large pink dog sitting in the front seat from Castle Dale to Provo. We got some VERY strange looks and a lot of pointing fingers.

4. I am not very observant. A few hours after meeting someone for the first time, I most likely would not be able to remember their name or give you an accurate description of them. If I saw them drive away I wouldn't be able to describe the vehicle they left in. I probably couldn't even be able to tell you what color it was. I would not make a good eye witness.

5. I can't squish a bug or ant. I can catch it and throw it outside or even flush it down the toilet. But I absolutely cannot step on it.

6. I don't like to get right up after a good movie in a theater and immediately leave. I like to sit through the credits and listen to the music played at the end. It allows the movie and mood to just settle in. Some of the best music is only played during the credits at the end of a movie. It does sometimes feel weird to be the only people sitting in an empty theater while the credits run! Try it, you'll like it.

7. I have not had a day go by without making my bed in approximately 20 years.

There, I did it. It was actually kind of fun.


Emily said...

Great job, mom! I'm so proud of you for coming up with some fun facts. I never heard the story about driving in the car with a pink dog. You'll have to elaborate sometime :)
Love you!

Nat said...

Pink dog huh! Pretty impressive about the bed making also! I definately can not say the same. I'm pretty good at remembering what people tell me and stuff, but I'm right there with you when it would come to being an eye witness. It's kind of funny because sometimes I will think to myself, "what if I HAD to be an eye witness, would i be able to describe anything?" I've even thought at times, what if my kids went missing, would i remember what they were wearing that day? Hopefully I will never have to find out if I would be a good eye witness or not. Good job on the fun facts!

Mikelle said...

Lurk away on my blog!! I love hearing from people, it makes me feel like I don't live on the other side of the country!! Your blog is so fun to read too!!